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We all want the see more money in our lives, whether it's in your sales job, business, or in your corporate job.

However, I witness so many people who saw the movie The Secret, repeated affirmations and read books about self-help and spirituality but don’t know how to actually use it in their life and experience the shift.


Honestly, as much as you want the money your subconscious and nervous system are blocking it because it feels unsafe and “too much” to handle.


In this Masterclass we will help you to release and re-set any energies that keep you stuck in the hustle and grind hamster wheel that makes you feel exhausted and frustrated that you can’t earn the money you desire.


By the end of the Abundance Rest Masterclass, you will be open and ready to attract more money and abundance with ease.


This is a very powerful experience that I should be charging for but I’m so passionate to help as many people that feel trapped in the survival hustle mode to break free and start experiencing their true power and abundance.

This is not your typical free masterclass with vague theories, this is a transformative active experience that uses proven combined methods so you can start attracting more abundance, money, and wealth on autopilot with ease.

You can always come back to this masterclass and use it in any area of your life.

Who this is for?

  • You are a salesperson but you are having a hard time “hitting your numbers”

  • You’re having a hard time making money in your business

  • You are working around the clock but have yet to feel financially abundant

  • You feel the constant need to be “productive” but rarely feel satisfied and at peace

  • You feel you are constantly getting the same results or no results when it comes to money

  • You feel empty, uninspired, bored, and unfulfilled


August 28th, Monday at 8 pm

Masterclass will be live on Youtube, IG, and Facebook @EffortleslyAbundantLife- Masterclass replay checklist will be sent to you when you sign up for the Abundance Reset Masterclass for FREE. Please give yourself the gift to be fully immersed in this experience with no distractions and be open to receiving. 

You will get unstuck and start creating abundance on your terms by doing less and enjoying your life more. Get ready to be blown away!

About Natalia


Over the years, every major success I had, if it was on stage or off I can link it directly to deep mindset work. Although I read every book and spent thousands on trainings and seminars and achieved the goals I wanted. I still didn’t feel long-lasting happiness I was craving and the next day I could feel that void again. I knew there was more to life than just checking off to-do lists. 

After years of studying, experience and refining I created my unique Bridge Method© that completely changed my life and will break the matrix cycle for you too.


I’m a Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Board Certification by the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners and helped many souls reach their inner freedom.


My passion is to help you achieve long-lasting happiness and live your dream life with less doing, stress, and effort. Yes, it’s possible! Let me show you how...

© All rights reserved to NATALIA COACHING

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